- Welcome to QWERTZ-tek -
Hello there, I'm a weird loner who goes by the odd name of "T. Sosnow." for reasons I can't remember anymore... and this is my own website.
- The motivation behind this -
The realm of information- and consumer-electronics was always my passion, hence my knowledge of logic circuits, telecommunications and last but not least: Microprocessors with their capabilities and limits.
I've gained a lot of knowledge, experenice during the past decades and build quite a number of hardware and software solutions for my own personal use. I always had the afterthought of publishing some of that, as the stuff that other skilled folks shared (for free) on the good old Internet gives me the need to return the favor.
- Technical Details about this site -
If you scroll down past this small wall of text then you see a clearly structured list, internal hyperlinks to separate pages within properly labeled categories. Hyperlinks with *asterisks* are links to external websites that may change or go offline and are obviously out of my control. All links that start with right arrow -> are just shortcuts to a specific position.
All my pages were made with Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 under Windows XP and are designed for a minimum screen resolution of 800x600 and are tested on Internet Explorer 3.0 under Windows 95b on a 486DX4 clocked at a whooping 100Mhz. Some texts (like this introduction) were written on a Tandy 200.
- My opinions -
I prefer to deal with the good old stuff which others may refer as vintage, retro, obsolete, deprecated or just "very old". I like it that way.
If loading from a floppy disk takes dozen of seconds with assuring drive noises then it's better than the modern cutting edge garbage that sometimes has not much legacy support to begin with but takes ages to boot up or load certain things with almost zero audiovisual feedback.
On the other hand the Tandy 200 from 1985 fully boots up in 3 seconds after pushing the power button.
Technology progresses forward is what I sometimes hear from others but in the last decades it didn't felt that way for me which is main reason why I literally don't buy that crap.
Which you can easily tell by looking at the contents down there.
- Final words -
Anyways, if you read and understood all of that above nonsense then you should be able to comprehend my way of thinking.
I better hope so...
- Recent changes -
March 13, 2025
New page added: Model T TimeSync in x86 Software, a tool to synchronize the Model T RTC with a PC.
This place is still "under construction", hence the disabled links. I will activate these as soon as possible.