- SEFTrans: My old utility for the even older SE4943 -
Back in 2015, I've quickly whipped up a commandline tool to transfer files faster to that device in binary format as doing the same with a terminal emulator with files in some Hex ASCII format (I can't remember if it was Intel or Motorola).
The first version was very crude and printed instructions on the screen on which buttons on the device to press to setup binary transmission mode, then press any key to continue.
Well that wasn't efficient but better than screwing around with a terminal and convoluted file conversions.
So, few years later I went to the effort of blackboxing the serial connection.
I gathered enough info on how the protocol worked and later on made more improvments and made it easier to use by implementing an interactive menu.
The idea was that (in Windows) dragging a file into a commanline causes the filename to be input into STDIN (also the user/keyboard input).
I even wrote all supported EPROM types into arrays and wrote a routine that generates this handy table:
All my interest on developing this program died when I got my TL866-II.
Also at the start of this making this software there wasn't any information available on the SE4943, neither did I had any manuals. This *page* didn't existed back then (or I didn't found it).
Download the ZIP here (one .c source file and Win32 binary compiled with Open Watcom).
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